Sweet Tech #1: The World’s Greatest Alarm

WakÄ“ – $249 Everyone who works a job or goes to school goes through the terrible process everyday of getting startled by their alarm clock every morning. This is the morning alarm of the future. Instead of using loud noise to … Continue reading Sweet Tech #1: The World’s Greatest Alarm

Technology In Fitness Is Not Going Away In 2018

The revolution of technology and fitness unofficial began with with the rise of the modern day smart phone. Being able to count steps throughout the day, record workouts, and in some cases measure anyone’s heart rate was and still is an amazing thing. In 2018, the revolution is more popular than ever. Many people shop for certain products that help them improve on a specific sport or a certain aspect of their workout. However, we will look at a few general workout tools to get the average consumer started. A Good Base The first three things you want when building … Continue reading Technology In Fitness Is Not Going Away In 2018